Enjoy this series of Pass or Fail dates.
Double Date: Finnish Goaltenders
Niklas Backstrom

Convinces everyone he's Washington's Nick Backstrom

& gets everything for free.
Pass or Fail?
Miika Kipprusoff

Challenges you to a staring contest. Loser pays for the date.
Pass or Fail?
Kari Lehtonen

Invites you back to his place to see his awesome light fixture & magical chair.
(it's never to soon to bring back this gem)
Pass or Fail?
Antti Niemi

He keeps texting Dan Boyle

to make sure what he orders is on the “approved eating list”.
Pass or Fail?
Tuukka Rask

The two of you close the Limelight Stage & Studios with the most kick ass rendition of Islands in the Stream ever.
While waiting for a cab you puke all over his shoes.
Pass or Fail?
Pekka Rinne

While on a moonlit stroll you have a spirited discussion about who was more influential to the 20th century:
Alvar Aalto

Frank Lloyd Wright

Pass or Fail?
As always, it's up to you PASS or FAIL on these dates.
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