Logan Couture

Juicy (Logan Couture -> Juicy Couture -> Juicy – get it?), Cooch/Coutch, Cooter, LoCo, Teeth

San Jose Sharks
21/March 28, 1989
Guelph, ON (but grew up in London – and proud that the Biebz was born there, too… (via Twitter on 2/22/11: @Logancouture: “Don't know if I should be proud or saying this, but I think I have the Bieber Fever, the kid is a star, and he was born in London, love it.”))

Listening to hip hop, pretending to be ghetto

Random Fact
Plays with his mouthguard. Like, a lot.

What Happens On The Date
When he picks you up, the first thing he does is get out, open the door for you and flash his brilliant TEETH at you, apologizing for the last time when he awkwardly ran away blushing after he accidentally bit you while trying to kiss you. You’re blinded at first by the glimmering expanse of white that is his smile, but after blinking a couple times you reassure him that it’s okay, due to how he’s been playing this year and get into his car, where he’s playing Drake in the background.
He takes you to Original Joe’s, where he and the team always eat at after pre-game skate, and you sit at a nice, quiet table in the back. A couple of fans approach him on the way out and he obliges, but other than that his attention is on you the whole time and he makes you laugh.

After dinner, you head over to Santana Row, where you walk around and he tells you stories about his wacky teammates, his superstitions, and his newfound love for Justin Bieber. Finally, he drives you home and after he walks you to the door, he leans in to kiss you.

Was It A Satisfactory Date?
Do you back away of the sight of those TEETH? Do you forgive and forget and let him kiss you?
Do you rush inside afterward, watch some highlight reels, and fall as in love with him as these girls are? Tumblr alert...
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